
The year before your child starts school they will begin their pre-school sessions with us. Sarah is our pre-school leader. She works alongside Vicky and Jo to plan the preschool sessions.

The pre-school sessions are designed to prepare your child for their transition in to primary school, they will encourage listening and attention skills and self help skills, the two most important skills your child requires for starting school.

Become School Ready

Our pre-school children have the opportunity to visit the local town of Garstang. The trips into Garstang include regular links with Bowgreave Rise Care Home, the supermarket, the library and the post office

During the preschool sessions we will focus on set topics and build different aspects of learning and development in to the activities we carry out. Topics we cover include ‘all about me’ ‘healthy living’ ‘growing and planting’ and ‘our community’

Each preschool session starts with ‘wake and shake’ ‘the hello song’ and registration in the morning.

In the afternoon we focus on Letters and Sounds

Once your child has settled in to the preschool sessions we will begin PE where your child will need to have a PE kit at nursery for them to practice getting undressed and dressed

A private Facebook page has been designed to keep you fully up to date with what we are doing in the preschool sessions. Pictures will be posted (with prior consent) along with any additional information you may need. We also use this page as an information page to assist you with helping your child to learn at home

Regular links with the community are also experienced by the children due to start school.  We take regular trips into Garstang on the bus, to visit the local library, the post office or to feed the ducks.  We aim to provide rich and varied learning opportunities to your child leading up to them starting school