Our Nursery Visions

Here at Little Ducklings

Gill and all her team promote

Healthy, Happy Children”.

Our Vision in the Ducklings Room

The Duckling Room Team

strive to:

  • Provide a home from home environment for all our children to feel settled and secure.
  • Provide nurturing relationships and ensure all children enjoy some 1:1 time with their key person.
  • Excel in our links with parents, working together to plan unique opportunities for our children.
  • Provide singing and musical experiences daily.
  • Provide our children with plenty of opportunity to explore natural and open ended materials through our range of Treasure Basket play.
  • Promote all children’s development in the three prime areas of learning by knowing and understanding them well.

(EYFS – Personal, Social and Emotional Development , Communication and Language and Physical Development)

Our Vision in the Mallard Room

 The Mallard Room Team

 strive to:

  • Promote the learning and development of all children through positive relationships and a nurturing key person approach.
  • Provide all children with quality 1:1 time with their key person.
  • Excel in our links with parents including them in their children’s learning and development.
  • Provide daily pre-school sessions to ensure all children are ready for their transition into primary school.
  • Provide strong links with the community through regular visits to the local library and village.
  • Encourage children to investigate and explore, following on from their own individual interests.
  • Encourage creativity and critical thinking
  • Promote and develop children’s friendships and independence.
  • Promote all children’s learning through the three prime areas and four specific areas of development (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design)